Academic Things
Research Interests
I'm currently working on computer science education, research methods of computer science, social studies of computer science, the philosophy of computer science, ICT4D, and global netiquette.
I'm the research coordinator of the i4D.Tanzania research group, which is concerned with the role of information in development.
- 2016 16th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, Best Presentation Award.
- 2016 16th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, Best Paper Award.
- 2012 IST-Africa Conference, Best Demonstration Stand.
- 2007 InSite Conference, Best Paper Award.
- 2006 Doctoral Dissertation Award, University of Joensuu.
- Zentralblatt MATH: "Every one interested in computer science should profit from reading this book."
- CHOICE magazine: "Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through professionals/practitioners."
- Communications of the ACM: Tedre gives a balanced treatment of each debate, attending to the intellectual and institutional dimensions [...] His engagement with history is long and deep."
- IEEE Annals of the History of Computing: "This book is certainly also an important contribution to the historical literature on computer science, especially since there are hardly any works on this topic."
- Computing Reviews: 100 Notable Computing Books and Articles
Development Co-Operation
- Danida (Denmark), Ghana/Vietnam/Uganda 1.352.502.000 DKK (program evaluator).
- Sida (Sweden), Rwanda/Mozambique/Ethiopia 184.000.000 SEK (program evaluator).
- DFID (UK) 10.200.000 GBP (program evaluator).
- Sida (Sweden), Rwanda, 334.000.000 SEK (program evaluator).
- Sida (Sweden), Bolivia, 168.000.000 SEK (program evaluator).
- Sida (Sweden), Health Economics and HIV and AIDS Research Division, 92.500.000 SEK (technical analysis support).
- Sida (Sweden), Swedish-funded Research Support to Mozambique 2011-2016, 283.000.000 SEK (program evaluator).
- Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, STIFIMO program, 21.000.000€ (writing a part of the winning tender; serving in the backstopping team)
- Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, TANZICT program, 5.000.000€ (preparing the program document).
- Sida (Sweden), Swedish-funded Research Support to Uganda 2010-2014, 180.000.000 SEK (program evaluator).
- Sida (Sweden), Swedish-funded Research Co-operation with Tanzania 2009-2013, 229.900.000 SEK (program evaluator).
- Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa, Mozambique, Uganda, Bolivia, Sri Lanka, Ghana (Somalia, Colombia)
- Sweden, Finland, UK, Denmark
Country profile in research and development co-operation
- The Finnish Association for Non-fiction Writers, 13.000€ For a book on what computers can and cannot do (2016-2017)
- Spider (Sida), 100.000 SEK; Empirically grounded risk assessment framework for ICT-related development projects (2012-2013)
- Academy of Finland, 223.000€, Grant #132572 "Technological and Pedagogical Development of Contextualized IT Education" (2010-2012)
- Kauppaneuvos Otto Malmin Lahjoitusrahasto, 3000€. July 2008.
- The Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers, 2000€. Spring 2007.
- Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, 8000€. Spring 2007.
- ECSE, East Finland Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering, 18 months salary. Jan. 1st 2004 - Jun. 30th 2005.
- Korean Government Scholarship (Doctoral degree course). Academic year 2002-2003.
- Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu. Aug. 1st 2002 - Sep. 31st 2003.
- ISEP exchange student in Yonsei University, South Korea Academic year 1999-2000.
- Erasmus grant for teacher exchange in Örebro University, 1500€ 2019.
- NordPlus grant for teacher exchange in Stockholm University, 660€ Sept. 20th - Sept. 24th 2010.
- Ajou University grant for teacher exchange at Ajou University's International Summer School, 2900€ Jul. 22nd - Aug 15th 2008.
- CIMO grant for teacher exchange in Ajou University, South Korea, 2100€ Oct. 22nd - Oct 29th 2007.
- CIMO grant for teacher exchange in the University of Pretoria, South Africa, 4000€. Jan. 17th 2005- Mar. 18th 2005.
Teaching Grants and Exchanges
Professional Duties
- Keynote Speaker ("From Black Art to a School Subject: Computing Education's Search for Status"). 25th ACM ITiCSE Conference, June 18, 2020, Trondheim, Norway
- Keynote Speaker ("Computational Thinking: Anatomy of a Movement"). 13th ISSEP Conference, November 18, 2020, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Keynote Speaker ("Computational thinking: An overview"). ICILS 2018, November 5, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Keynote Speaker ("How information became the currency of the future"). Oulu Boost Event EU2019, December 10, 2019, Oulu, Finland
- Invited speaker ("Computational thinking: Essential tensions and debates"). TUWien Research Talk, December 4, 2019, Vienna, Austria
- Keynote Speaker ("Computational thinking: From automation to a third pillar of science"). 25th JENUI Conference, July 3-5, 2019, Murcia, Spain
- Keynote Speaker ("Many Paths to CT"). TACCLE3 Coding Conference, October 6, 2017, Brussels, Belgium
- Keynote Speaker ("Paths to Computational Thinking"). CONSTRUIT 2017 Conference, July 13, Warwick, UK
- Invited Speaker ("Computational Thinking Everywhere?"). Trippel Helix Conference on Computational Thinking and Digital Competences in Primary and Secondary Education, September 8, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Keynote Speaker. 11th European Computer Science Summit (ECSS) 2015, October 12-14, 2015, Vienna, Austria.
- Invited Speaker. 15th Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Special Session on the History and Philosophy of Computing August 3-8, 2015, University of Helsinki, Finland.
- Keynote Speaker. Computability in Europe (CIE)2013, Special Session on the History of Computation. July 1-4, 2013, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
- Keynote Speaker. European Computer Science Summit (ECSS) 2012, Workshop on Experimentation in Informatics. November 19-12, 2012, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
- Keynote Speaker. IPID 5th Annual Conference 2010. September 9-10, 2010, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
- Keynote Speaker. 3rd EDULINK Stakeholders Conference. October 1-2, 2009, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Keynote Speaker. IPID 4th Annual Conference 2009. September 11-12, 2009, University of London, Royal Holloway, UK.
- Local Chair. East African Seminar on IT Education in the Developing World (ITED 2008). January 15-16, 2008, Iringa, Tanzania.
- Invited Seminar Speaker. Koli Calling: The 6th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research, November 9.-12, 2006, Koli, Finland.
- Session Chair. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2004) (sessions 23,31,42). August 30th - September 1st 2004, Joensuu, Finland.
Conference duties
- Hundreds of reviews to journals and conferences, such as Philosophy & Technology, CAIS, ICER, Minds and Machines, IEEE Computer, Journal of Applied Logic, Human Technology Journal, M4D, IWIPS, ICALT, JITE, TEDC, E-CAP, IST-Africa, ...
- Member of the Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE) International Board of Reviewers (2008 onward).
- Book publishers, such as Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, Oxford University Press, The MIT Press
- Funding agencies, such as EU-FP7(COST), Slovak Research and Development Agency, Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO).
* Denning, Peter J.; Tedre, Matti (2019) Computational Thinking. The MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262536561. 264pp.
* Tedre, Matti (2014) The Science of Computing: Shaping a Discipline. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-1482217698. 288pp.
Vartiainen, Henriikka; Toivonen, Tapani; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti; Valtonen, Teemu (2021). Machine learning for middle schoolers: Learning through data-driven design. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 100281.
Saqr, Mohammed; Ng, Kwok; Oyelere, Solomon; Tedre, Matti (2021). People, Ideas, Milestones: A Scientometric Study of Computational Thinking. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 21(3):1-17.
Gomera, William Clifford; Suhonen, Jarkko; Tukiainen, Markku; Oreku, George S.; Tedre, Matti; Oyelere, Solomon Sunday (2021). Usability evaluation of frugal innovation: A case of mobile training for micro businesses in Tanzania. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 13(2):133-146.
Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti; Kahila, Sanni; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Valtonen, Teemu (2021). Adolescents' Digital Game-Related Information-Seeking. Informaatiotutkimus 40(1):8-26.
Rumanyika, Joel; Apiola, Mikko; Mramba, Nasibu Rajabu; Oyelere, Solomon Sunday; Tedre, Matti (2021). Mobile technology for street trading in Tanzania: A design science research approach for determining user requirements. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries e12176.
Saqr, Mohammed; Nouri, Jalal; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti (2020). Robustness and rich clubs in collaborative learning groups: a learning analytics study using network science. Scientific reports 10(1):14445.
* Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti; Kahila, Juho; Valtonen, Teemu (2020). Tensions and trade-offs of participatory learning in the age of machine learning. Educational media international 57(4):pp.285-298.
* Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti; Valtonen, Teemu (2020). Learning machine learning with very young children: Who is teaching whom?. International journal of child-computer interaction 25:100182.
* Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti; Salonen, Anssi; Valtonen, Teemu (2020). Rematerialization of the virtual and its challenges for design and technology education. Techne Series 27(1):pp.52-69.
Kayanda, Anna Mark; Busagala, Lazaro S; Tedre, Matti (2020). User perceptions on the use of Academic Information Systems for decision making support in the context of Tanzanian Higher Education. International journal of education and development using information and communication technology 16(1):pp.72-87.
Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti; Kahila, Sanni; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Valtonen, Teemu; Mäkitalo, Kati (2020). Children's gaming involves much more than the gaming itself: A study of the metagame among 12- to 15-year-old children. Convergence Online first.
Gomera, William Clifford; Suhonen, Jarkko; Tukiainen, Markku; Oreku, George S; Tedre, Matti; Oyelere, Solomon Sunday (2020). Usability evaluation of frugal innovation: A case of mobile training for micro businesses in Tanzania. African journal of science, technology, innovation and development Online first.
Laru, Jari; Mäkitalo, Kati; Tedre, Matti; Valtonen, Teemu; Vartiainen, Henriikka (2020). Ohjelmoinnista digitaaliseen ajatteluun - kuinka edistää ohjelmoinnin ja tietotekniikan oppimista esi- ja alkuopetuksessa. Esi- ja alkuopetuksen käsikirja (eds. Kyrönlampi, Taina; Mäkitalo, Kati; Uitto, Minna) PS-kustannus: Finland, pp. 243-267.
* Valtonen, Teemu; Tedre, Matti; Mäkitalo, Kati; Vartiainen, Henriikka (2019). Media Literacy Education in the Age of Machine Learning. The journal of media literacy education 11(2):pp.20-36.
Kahila, Juho; Valtonen, Teemu; Tedre, Matti; Mäkitalo, Kati; Saarikoski, Olli (2019). Children's Experiences on Learning the 21st-Century Skills With Digital Games. Games and Culture 2019(Online):pp.1-22.
* Tedre, Matti; Simon; Malmi, Lauri (2018). Changing Aims of Computing Education: A Historical Survey. Computer Science Education 28(2):pp.158-186.
* Tedre, Matti (2018). The Nature of Computing as a Discipline. In Computer Science Education: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in School (Eds. Sentance, Sue; Barendsen, Erik; Schulte, Carsten), Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK, pp.5-18.
Misaki, Ezra; Apiola, Mikko; Gaiani, Silvia; Tedre, Matti (2018). Challenges facing sub-Saharan small-scale farmers in accessing farming information through mobile phones: A systematic literature review. Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries 2018(Online):pp.1-12.
Saqr, Mohammed; Fors, Uno; Tedre, Matti; Nouri, Jalal (2018). How social network analysis can be used to monitor online collaborative learning and guide an informed intervention. PLoS ONE 13(3)
Saqr, Mohammed; Fors, Uno; Tedre, Matti (2018). How the study of online collaborative learning can guide teachers and predict students' performance in a medical course. BMC Medical Education 18(24)
Muianga, Xavier; Klomsri, Tina; Tedre, Matti; Mutimucuio, Inocente (2018). From Teacher-Oriented to Student-Centred Learning: Developing an ICT-Supported Learning Approach at the Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 17(2): pp. 46-54.
* Tedre, Matti; Denning, Peter J. (2017) Shifting Identities in Computing: From a Useful Tool to a New Method and Theory of Science. In Informatics in the Future (Eds. Werthner, Hannes; van Harmelen, Frank), Springer Verlag: Cham, Germany, pp. 1-16.
Saqr, Mohammed; Fors, Uno; Tedre, Matti (2017) How learning analytics can early predict under-achieving students in a blended medical education course. Medical Teacher 2017(April): pp.1-11
Bahati, Bernard; Fors, Uno; Tedre, Matti (2017) Can Student Engagement in Online Courses Predict Performance on Online Knowledge Surveys?. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 16(3): pp.73-87
Klomsri, Tina; Tedre, Matti (2016) Poor Information Literacy Skills and Practices as Barriers to Academic Performance: a Mixed Methods Study of the University of Dar es Salaam. Reference & User Services Quarterly 55(4): pp.293-305
Bahati, Bernard; Tedre, Matti; Fors, Uno; Mukama, Evode (2016) Exploring Feedback Practices in Formative Assessment in Rwandan Higher Education: A multifaceted approach is needed. International Journal of Teaching & Education 4(2): pp.1-22
Aghaee, Naghmeh; Jobe, William B.; Karunaratne, Thashmee; Smedberg, Åsa; Hansson, Henrik; Tedre, Matti (2016) Interaction Gaps in PhD Education and ICT as a Way Forward: Results from a Study in Sweden. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 17(3).
Omer, Mohammed; Klomsri, Tina; Tedre, Matti; Popova, Iskra; Klingberg-Allvin, Marie; Osman, Fatumo (2015) E-learning Opens Door to the Global Community: Novice Users' Experiences of E-learning in a Somali University. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 11(2): pp.267-279.
Kemppainen, Jyri; Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2014) Development Projects and ICT: A Review of Non-Technical Aspects. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 63(4): pp.1-20.
Aghaee, Naghmeh; Hansson, Henrik; Tedre, Matti; Drougge, Ulrika (2014) Learners' Perceptions on the Structure and Usefulness of e-Resources for the Thesis Courses. European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 17(1): pp.154-171.
* Tedre, Matti; Moisseinen, Nella (2014) Experiments in Computing: A Survey. The Scientific World Journal vol. 2014, Article #549398: pp.1-11.
Kemppainen, Jyri; Mpogole, Hosea; Tedre, Matti; Chachage, Bukaza (2014) Validated Risk Identification Tool for ICT in International Development Co-operation Projects. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 64(7): pp.1-24.
Apiola, Mikko; Tedre, Matti (2013) Deepening Learning through Learning-by-Inventing. Journal of Information Technology Education 12: pp.185-202.
* Tedre, Matti (2013) Three Debates about Computing. In The Nature of Computation. Logic, Algorithms, Applications (LNCS 7921): pp. 404-413 (Eds. Paola Bonizzoni, Vasco Brattka, Benedikt Löwe), Springer: Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany.
* Tedre, Matti; Apiola, Mikko (2013) Three Traditions of Computing Within Computing Education in Schools. In Improving Computer Science Education (Eds. Charoula Angeli, Djordje Kadijevich, Carsten Schulte), Routledge, pp. 100-116.
Kemppainen, Jyri; Tedre, Matti; Parviainen, Panu; Sutinen, Erkki (2012) Risk Identification Tool for ICT in International Development Co-Operation Projects. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 55(3):pp.1-26.
Apiola, Mikko; Tedre, Matti (2012) New Perspectives on the Pedagogy of Programming in a Developing Country Context. Computer Science Education 22(3):pp.285-313.
Duveskog, Marcus; Tedre, Matti; Islas Sedano, Carolina; Sutinen, Erkki (2012) Life Planning by Digital Storytelling in a Primary School in Rural Tanzania. Educational Technology & Society 15(4):pp.225-237.
Kemppainen, Jyri; Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2012) Technical Aspects of IT Service Management Education in a Developing Country. Journal of IT Education 11(1):pp.103-124.
* Tedre, Matti (2011) Computing as a Science: A Survey of Competing Viewpoints. Minds & Machines 21(3):pp.361-387.
* Tedre, Matti (2011) Informaatioteknologian ja perinteisten filosofian alojen yhtymäkohtia [Contact Points of IT and Philosophy]. In Informaatioteknologian filosofia: pp.65-79 (eds. Mika Laakkonen, Suvi Lamminpää, Jarno Malaprade), Lapin Yliopistokustannus: Rovaniemi, Finland. ISBN 978-952-484-384-3.
* Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2011) Kolme näkökulmaa tietojenkäsittelyyn [Three Views of Computing]. In Informaatioteknologian filosofia: pp.221-238 (eds. Mika Laakkonen, Suvi Lamminpää, Jarno Malaprade), Lapin Yliopistokustannus: Rovaniemi, Finland. ISBN 978-952-484-384-3. Shortened and revised, with permission of Taylor & Francis Ltd., from Tedre and Sutinen, CSE 18(3):153-170.
* Eskelinen, Teppo; Tedre, Matti (2010) Three Dogmas of ICT-Driven Development: Philosophical Investigations of Technological Development. East African Journal of Research 2(1):pp.64-88.
* Sutinen, Erkki; Tedre, Matti (2010) ICT4D: a Computer Science Perspective. Algorithms and Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6060):pp.221-231. Springer: Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany.
* Tedre, Matti; Ngumbuke, Fredrick; Kemppainen, Jyri (2010) Infrastructure, Human Capacity, and High Hopes: A Decade of Development of e-Learning in a Tanzanian HEI. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento 7(1):pp.7-20.
* Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2009) Crossing the Newton-Maxwell Gap: Convergences and Contingencies. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 3(1):pp.195-212.
* Tedre, Matti (2009) Computing as Engineering. Journal of Universal Computer Science 15(8):pp.1642-1658
* Tedre, Matti; Bangu, Nicholas; Nyagava, Seth I. (2009) Contextualized IT Education in Tanzania: Beyond Standard IT Curricula. Journal of Information Technology Education 8(1):pp.101-124.
* Tedre, Matti (2009) Social Study of Computer Science. In Handbook of Research on Socio-Technical Design And Social Networking Systems: pp.22-37 (ed. Brian Whitworth & Aldo de Moor), Information Science Reference. ISBN 978-1-60566-264-0
* Tedre, Matti; Eglash, Ron (2008) Ethnocomputing. In Software Studies / A Lexicon: pp.92-101 (ed. Matthew Fuller), Cambridge, Mass., USA: The MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-06274-9
* Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2008) Three Traditions of Computing: What Educators Should Know. Computer Science Education 18(3):pp.153-170.
Nikula, Uolevi; Sajaniemi, Jorma; Tedre, Matti; Wray, Stuart (2007) Python and Roles of Variables in Introductory Programming: Experiences from Three Educational Institutions. Journal of Information Technology Education 6(1):pp.199-214.
* Tedre, Matti (2007) Know Your Discipline: Teaching the Philosophy of Computer Science. Journal of Information Technology Education 6(1):pp.105-122.
Vesisenaho, Mikko; Kemppainen, Jyri; Islas Sedano, Carolina; Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2006) Contextualizing ICT in Africa: The Development of the CATI Model in Tanzanian Higher Education. African Journal of Information and Communication Technology 2(2):pp.88-109.
* Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki; Kähkönen, Esko; Kommers, Piet (2006) Ethnocomputing: ICT in Social and Cultural Context. Communications of the ACM 49(1):pp.126-130.
Sutinen, Erkki; Duveskog, Marcus; Eronen, Pasi J.; Tedre, Matti; Vesisenaho, Mikko (2005) ICT Education for Local Development. In University Partneships for International Development: Finnish Development Knowledge:pp.235-253 (ed. Olli Hietanen), FFRC-Publications 6/2005, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration. ISBN 951-564-290-6.
* Tedre, Matti; Kommers, Piet; Sutinen, Erkki (2002) Ethnocomputing: Considering Ethnological Factors in Computer Science. In Exploring Cultural Perspectives 2002. (eds. Wyness, Michael & Richardson, Annette), ICRN Press, Edmonton. ISBN 0-9731056-1-5.
* Tedre, Matti (2020) (Keynote in proceedings) From a Black Art to a School Subject: Computing Education's Search for Status ITiCSE '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education :pp. 3-4.
* Saqr, Mohammed; Tedre, Matti (2019) (Editorial) Should we teach computational thinking and big data principles to medical students? International Journal of Health Sciences 13(4):pp.1-2.
* Tedre, Matti (2018) (Feature article) Computing as an Evolving Discipline ACM XRDS 25(1):18-21.
Denning, Peter J.; Tedre, Matti; Yongpradit, Pat (2017) (The Profession of IT Column) Misconceptions About Computer Science. Communications of the ACM 60(3): 31-33.
* Tedre, Matti (2008) (Feature article) What Should be Automated? ACM interactions 15(5):47-49.
* Vartiainen, Henriikka; Toivonen, Tapani; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti; Valtonen, Teemu (2020). Machine learning for middle-schoolers: Children as designers of machine-learning apps. Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), October 21-24 2020, Uppsala, Sweden: pp.1-9.
* Tedre, Matti; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Kahila, Juho; Toivonen, Tapani; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Valtonen, Teemu (2020). Machine Learning Introduces New Perspectives to Data Agency in K-12 Computing Education. Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), October 21-24 2020, Uppsala, Sweden: pp.1-8.
* Kahila, Juho; Parkki, Tuomo; Gröhn, Anssi; Karvinen, Atte; Telimaa, Elmeri; Riikonen, Pekka; Tiitta, Riku; Haantio, Pasi; Keinänen, Anssi; Kerkkänen, Tero; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Penttinen, Silja; Tedre, Matti (2020). Escape Room Game for CT Learning Activities in the Primary School. Proceedings of the 20th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, November 2020, Koli, Finland: pp.1-5.
* Pargman, Teresa Cerratto; Tedre, Matti; Davidsson, Mattias; Milrad, Marcelo (2020). Teaching Computational Thinking in K-9 :Tensions at the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogical Knowledge. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, May 19-20 2020, Oxford (Online): pp. 2409-2410.
Toivonen, Tapani; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti; Valtonen, Teemu; Vartiainen, Henriikka (2020). Co-Designing Machine Learning Apps in K–12 With Primary School Children. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 6-9 2020, Tartu, Estonia: pp. 308-310.
Kayanda, Anna; Busagala, Lazaro; Tedre, Matti; Oyelere, Solomon (2020). Towards the Development of Timetabling Software for improving Decision-Making in Tanzanian Higher Education Context. Proceedings of CISTI'2020 - 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, June 24-27 2020, Sevilla, Spain: pp. 1-6.
Kayanda, Anna; Busagala, Lazaro; Tedre, Matti (2020). Design and Implementation of Timetabling Software for an Improved Decision Making at the Tanzanian Higher Education Context: A Design Science approach. Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Africon Conference, September 25-27, 2019, Accra, Ghana: pp. 1-4.
* Mäkitalo, Kati H; Tedre, Matti; Laru, Jari; Valtonen, Teemu (2019). Computational Thinking in Finnish Pre-Service Teacher Education. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Computational Thinking Education, June 13-15 2019, Hong Kong: pp.105-108.
Rumanyika, Joel; Tedre, Matti; Apiola, Mikko; Oyelere, Solomon Sunday; Mramba, Nasibu Rajabu (2019). Contemporary Challenges in Street Trader-Customer Interaction Through Mobile Devices in Dodoma, Tanzania. 15th IFIP WG 9.4 Conference Proceedings ICT4D 2019, May 1-3, 2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: pp.76-88.
Grande, Virginia; Peters, Anne-Kathrin; Daniels, Mats; Tedre, Matti (2019). "Participating Under the Influence": How Role Models Affect the Computing Discipline, Profession, and Student Population. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education 2018 Conference (FIE 2018), October 3-6, 2018, San Jose, CA, USA: pp.1-19.
* Tedre, Matti; Denning, Peter J. (2016) The Long Quest for Computational Thinking. Proceedings of the 16th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, November 24-27, 2016, Koli, Finland: pp.120-129.
* Tedre, Matti; Verhagen, Harko (2014) Methodology Education in Computing: Arrangements and Results from Two Courses. Proceedings of FIE 2014 Conference, October 22-25, 2014, Madrid, Spain.
* Tedre, Matti; Brash, Danny; Mannikko, Sirkku; Cronje, Johannes (2014) Towards Identification and Classification of Core and Threshold Concepts in Methodology Education in Computing. Proceedings of ITiCSE 2014 Conference, June 21-25, Uppsala, Sweden.
Muhoza, Olivier Ufitese; Tedre, Matti; Aghaee, Naghmeh; Hansson, Henrik (2014) Viewpoints to ICT Practices and Hindrances from in Tanzanian Secondary Schools and Teacher Training Colleges: Focus on Classroom Teachers. Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE), April 11-13, 2014, Sarawak, Malaysia: pp. 133-140.
Silva, David; Tedre, Matti; Apiola, Mikko (2013) Pedagogy of 1:1 Computing in Colombia: A Case Study of Three Rural Schools. Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, November 14-November 17, 2013, Koli, Finland: pp. 179-187
* Tedre, Matti; Pajunen, John (2013) An easy approach to epistemology and ontology in computing theses. Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, November 14-November 17, 2013, Koli, Finland: pp. 97-104
Klomsri, Tina; Grebäck, Linn; Tedre, Matti (2013) Social Media in Everyday Learning: How Facebook Supports Informal Learning Among Young Adults in South Africa. Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, November 14-November 17, 2013, Koli, Finland: 135-144
* Tedre, Matti; Chuma, Veronica; Apiola, Mikko (2013) Survey on Mobile Phone Battery End-Life in Tanzania. To Appear in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Africon 2013 Conference, September 9-12, 2013, Mauritius.
* Pajunen, John; Tedre, Matti; Moisseinen, Nella (2013) Viewpoints from Computing to the Epistemology of Experiments. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, IACAP 2013, July 15-17, 2013, MD, USA.
Pakarinen, Saila; Apiola, Mikko; Moisseinen, Nella; Tedre, Matti (2013) Designing OLPC Learning Environments: A Case on 1:1 Pedagogy in Rural Tanzania. To Appear in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Africon 2013 Conference, September 9-12, 2013, Mauritius.
Apiola, Mikko; Pakarinen, Saila; Tedre, Matti (2013) Working Practices in One-to-one Computing: a Rural Tanzanian Case. To Appear in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Africon 2013 Conference, September 9-12, 2013, Mauritius.
Apiola, Mikko; Pakarinen, Saila; Moisseinen, Nella; Tedre, Matti (2013) An OLPC Workshop in Rural Tanzania: Preliminary Results. To Appear in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 15-18, 2013, Beijing, China.
* Tedre, Matti (2013) Methodology Education in Computing: Towards a Congruent Design Approach. Proceedings of ACM Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) 2013 Conference, March 6-9, 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA: pp.159-164.
Kemppainen, Jyri; Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2012) IT Service Management Education in Tanzania: An Organizational and Grassroots-Level Perspective. Proceedings of the ACM Information Technology Education (SIGITE) 2012 Conference, October 11-13, 2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Apiola, Mikko; Tedre, Matti; Moisseinen, Nella (2012) Results From an Action Research Approach for Designing CS1 Learning Environments in Tanzania. Proceedings of 42th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education FIE 2012 Conference, October 3-6, 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA: pp. 830-835. Full proceedings available at:
Apiola, Mikko; Tedre, Matti; Pasanen, Tomi; Lattu, Matti (2012) Towards a Framework for Designing and Analyzing CS Learning Environments. Proceedings of 42th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education FIE 2012 Conference, October 3-6, 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA: pp. 600-605. Full proceedings available at:
* Tedre, Matti; Wikedzi, Timothy (2012) Central Questions of ICT & Ethics: IT Ethics Course Design in Tanzania. Proceedings of IST-Africa 2012 Conference, May 9-11, 2012, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
* Lähde, Kristiina; Apiola, Mikko; Tedre, Matti (2012) From Research & Design Milieu to a Living Lab: Ukombozi School in Tanzania. Proceedings of IST-Africa 2012 Conference, May 9-11, 2012, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
* Tedre, Matti; Pasanen, Tomi; McIntyre, Dan; Oroma, Josephat; Ngumbuke, Fredrick; Sutinen, Erkki (2012) Four Years of IT Program Development in Tanzania. Proceedings of IST-Africa 2012 Conference, May 9-11, 2012, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
* Tedre, Matti; Apiola, Mikko; Oroma, Josephat (2011) Developing IT Education in Tanzania: Empowering Students. Proceedings of ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education FIE 2011 Conference, October 12-15, 2011, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA.
Apiola, Mikko; Oroma, Josephat; Tedre, Matti (2011) Improving Programming Education in Tanzania: Teachers' and Students' Perceptions. Proceedings of ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education FIE 2011 Conference, October 12-15, 2011, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA.
* Tedre, Matti; Apiola, Mikko; Cronje, Johannes C. (2011) Towards a Systemic View of Educational Technology in Developing Regions. Proceedings of IEEE Africon 2011 Conference, September 13-15, 2011, Livingstone, Zambia.
Apiola, Mikko; Pakarinen, Saila; Tedre, Matti (2011) Pedagogical Outlines for OLPC Initiatives: A Case of Ukombozi School in Tanzania. Proceedings of IEEE Africon 2011 Conference, September 13-15, 2011, Livingstone, Zambia.
Apiola, Mikko; Tedre, Matti (2011) Towards a Contextualized Pedagogy for Programming Education in Tanzania. Proceedings of IEEE Africon 2011 Conference, September 13-15, 2011, Livingstone, Zambia.
* Tedre, Matti; Kemppainen, Jyri; Ngumbuke, Fredrick (2011) What IT Professionals Should Know About IT Work in Developing Countries. Proceedings of IST-Africa 2011 Conference, May 11-13, 2011, Gaborone, Botswana.
* Tedre, Matti; Hansson, Henrik; Mozelius, Peter; Lind, Säde (2011) Crucial Considerations in One-to-One Computing in Developing Countries. Proceedings of IST-Africa 2011 Conference, May 11-13, 2011, Gaborone, Botswana.
Koponen, Tiia; Tedre, Matti; Vesisenaho, Mikko (2011) An Analysis of the State and Prospects of e-Learning in Developing Countries. Proceedings of IST-Africa 2011 Conference, May 11-13, 2011, Gaborone, Botswana.
* Tedre, Matti; Bangu, Nicholas (2010) Implementing a Contextualized IT Curriculum: Changes through Challenges. Proceedings of the 9th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, October 29-November 1, 2009, Koli, Finland: pp.67-76.
* Tedre, Matti; Chachage, Bukaza; Faida, Joy (2009) Integrating Environmental Issues in IT Education in Tanzania. Proceedings of the 39th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 18-21, 2009, San Antonio, TX, USA.
* Tedre, Matti; Kamppuri, Minna (2009) Students' Perspectives on Challenges of IT Education in Rural Tanzania. Proceedings of IST-Africa 2009 conference, Kampala, Uganda, May 6th-8th 2009. CD-ROM.
* Tedre, Matti; Ngumbuke, Fredrick D.; Bangu, Nicholas; Sutinen, Erkki (2009) Implementing a Contextualized IT Curriculum: Ambitions and Ambiguities. Proceedings of the 8th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, November 13-16, 2008, Lieksa, Finland: pp.51-61.
Mpogole, Hosea; Usanga, Hidaya; Tedre, Matti (2008) Mobile Phones and Poverty Alleviation: A Survey Study in Rural Tanzania. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication Technology for Development (ed. John Sören Pettersson), December 11-12, 2008, Karlstad, Sweden: pp.62-72.
* Tedre, Matti (2006) What Should Be Automated? The Fundamental Question Underlying Human-Centered Computing. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Human-Centered Multimedia (HCM) 2006, October 27, 2006, Santa Barbara, USA: pp.19-24
Islas Sedano, Carolina; Vesisenaho, Mikko; Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki (2006) Implementing Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education in Tanzania. Proceedings of the IST-Africa 2006 Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, May 3-5, 2006 (eds. Cunningham, Paul & Cunningham, Miriam).
* Islas Sedano, Carolina; Tedre, Matti; Riempp, Ronald (2006) A Learning Object in Engineering Education: A Case Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multicultural Learning and Media Literacy in the Modern World, Hämeenlinna, Finland, May 21-23, 2006.
* Tedre, Matti; Kamppuri, Minna; Kommers, Piet (2006) An Approach to Global Netiquette Research. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities 2006, San Sebastian, Spain, February 26-28, 2006:pp.367-370.
* Kamppuri, Minna; Tedre, Matti; Tukiainen, Markku (2006) Towards the Sixth Level in Interface Design: Understanding Culture. Proceedings of the CHI-SA 2006, 5th Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Southern Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, January 25-27, 2006 (ed. Greunen, Darelle van): ACM, South Africa:pp.69-74
* Kamppuri, Minna; Tedre, Matti; Tukiainen, Markku (2006) A Cultural Approach to Interface Design. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Finnish / Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education / Koli Calling 2005, Lieksa, Finland, November 17-20, 2005:pp.149-152
* Tedre Matti (2004) Problem, Knowledge, and Understanding in Ethnocomputing. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Technology in Cultural Context, Joensuu, Finland, September 1-2, 2003:pp.85-92.
Esko Kähkönen and Philip Bonanno, Marcus Duveskog, Eleanora Faggiano, Constance Kampf, Simo-Pekka Lahtinen, Minna Nuutinen, Pithamber Polsani, Veronica Rossano, Matti Tedre (2004) Approaches and Methodologies for a Culturally Contextualized Educational Technology.. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Technology in Cultural Context, Joensuu, Finland, September 1-2, 2003:pp.5-9.
* Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki; Kähkönen Esko; Kommers, Piet (2003) Is Universal Usability Universal Only to Us?. ACM conference CUU 2003, Vancouver BC, Canada, November 10-11, 2003.
Duveskog, Marcus; Sutinen, Erkki; Tedre, Matti; Vesisenaho Mikko (2003) In Search of Contextual Teaching of Programming in a Tanzanian Secondary School. Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE conference FIE 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA, November 5-8, 2003:pp.F3B_9-F3B_14
* Tedre, Matti; Sutinen, Erkki; Kommers, Piet; Kähkönen Esko (2003) Appreciating the Knowledge of Students in Computer Science Education in Developing Countries. Proceedings of the IEEE conference ITRE/TEDC 2003, Newark, New Jersey, USA, August 11-13, 2003:pp.174-178.
* Tedre, Matti; Kommers, Piet; Sutinen, Erkki (2002) Ethnocomputing. A Multicultural View on Computer Science. Proceedings of the IEEE conference ICALT 2002, Kazan, Russia, September 9-12, 2002:pp.195-199.
* Tedre, Matti (2006) The Development of Computer Science: A Sociocultural Perspective. Doctoral thesis for University of Joensuu. (pdf/502pp. )
* Tedre, Matti (2002) Ethnocomputing. A Multicultural View on Computer Science. Master's thesis for University of Joensuu. (pdf/56pp. )
* Tedre, Matti (2002) Tietojenkäsittelytieteen tieteenfilosofiasta. Bachelor's thesis for University of Joensuu.
* Tedre, Matti; Chachage, Bukaza (2008) (Article / refereed) University Students' Attitudes Towards e-Security Issues: A Survey Study in Tumaini University, Tanzania. 5th International Workshop on Technology for Innovation and Education in Developing Countries (TEDC2008), July 31st-August 2nd, 2008, Kampala, Uganda.
* Tedre, Matti (2007) (Extended abstract / refereed) A Philosophy of Computer Science Course for Computing Practitioners. Presented at the European Conference on Computers and Philosophy E-CAP 2007, June 21st-23rd, 2007, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
* Bednarik, Roman; Kamppuri, Minna; Tedre, Matti; Vesisenaho, Mikko (2007) (Workshop paper / refereed) Alternative to Technology-Driven Development: An Approach Based on Authentic Needs. Presented at the CHI 2007 workshop on User-Centered Design and International Development, April 28th, 2007, San Jose, California, USA.
* Tedre, Matti (2006) (Invited seminar session) The Development of Computer Science: A Sociocultural Perspective. Proceedings of the Koli Calling: The 6th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research, November 9th-12th, 2006, Koli, Finland:21-24.
* Tedre, Matti (2004) (Invited talk) Tietoyhteiskunta ja Globaalisuus. Presented in ISVY seminar, June 16th-17th, 2004, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Sutinen, Erkki; Kähkönen Esko; Tedre, Matti (2003) (Workshop / refereed) Contextualisation of Technologies and Concepts in Intercultural Learning Settings. Presented in ACM conference CHI 2003, April 5th-10th, 2003, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
* Tedre, Matti (2002) (Presentation / refereed) Ethnocomputing: Towards Ethnically Fairer Computer Science Presented at the International Cultural Research Network congress “Brasilia 2002: Exploring Cultural Perspectives” July 2nd-6th 2002, Brasilia, Brazil.
Ofir, Zenda; Sorensen, Pernille; Tedre, Matti; Ghartey, Adom Baisie; Kayobyo, Godfrey (2020) (Evaluation Report) Evaluation of DANIDA Support to Development Research (2008-2018). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, March 2020
Asa Konigson, Michael Watts, Erlend Sigvaldsen, Matti Tedre (2020) (Evaluation Report) Evaluation of Jonkoping International Business School's (JIBS) collaboration with Sida partner universities in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Mozambique. Sida Decentralized Evaluation 2020:20
Tvedten, Inge; Byabagambi, Arthur; Lindström, Johanna; Tedre, Matti (2018) (Evaluation Report) Evaluation of the Sida supported research capacity and higher education development program in Rwanda, 2013-2017. Sida Decentralized Evaluation 2018:3
Millard, Ananda S.; Tedre, Matti; Thulstrup, Erik W.; Ramiro Munoz, Manuel; Velasco, Pamela (2017) (Evaluation Report) Evaluation of Sida's Research Cooperation with Bolivia, 2007-2006. Sida Decentralized Evaluation 2017:24
Graeser, Silke; Buffardi, Anne L.; Kyomuhangi, Lennie Bazira (2017) (Technical Support to Evaluation Report) Evaluation of the Health Economics and HIV and AIDS Research Division (HEARD). Sida Decentralized Evaluation 2017:17
Kruse, Stein-Erik; Tvedten, Inge; Tedre, Matti; Soares da Costa Rosario, Carmeliza (2017) (Evaluation Report) Evaluation of Swedish government research cooperation with Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique 2011-2016. Sida Decentralized Evaluation 2017:9
Kruse, Stein-Erik; Tedre, Matti; Nekatibeb, Teshome; Amani, Aimtonga (2014) (Evaluation Report) Evaluation of the Swedish Research Cooperation with Tanzania 2009-2013: Final Report. Sida Decentralized Evaluation 2014:14
Kruse, Stein-Erik; Tedre, Matti; Kayobyo, Godfrey (2014) (Evaluation Report) Evaluation of the Swedish Government Funded Research Cooperation Support to Uganda: Final Report. Sida Decentralized Evaluation 2014:39
* Tedre, Matti; Denning, Peter J. (2016) Koulutus ei reagoi työn muutokseen. Helsingin Sanomat, Vieraskynä 29th Oct. 2016.
* Meriläinen, Lasse & Tedre, Matti (2008) Tieto koneesta. Kopijyvä Oy: Jyväskylä, Finland, 102pp. ISBN 978-952-92-3839-2. Reviews:
* Tedre, Matti (2004) Tietoyhteiskunta kehitysmaiden avuksi. Sanansaattaja - Joensuun Yliopiston tiedotuslehti; 2/2004, 26th Feb. 2004, pp 16-17.
* Tedre, Matti (2002) Tietotekniikka ei paranna köyhien asemaa maailmassa. Helsingin Sanomat, Vieraskynä 12th Aug. 2002.